Cahoots Ticket Hall

Soho, London

“This is such an amazing opportunity for me as a 1940s fanatic” – Miss Harriet Ball

As you may know, the Scoundrels have uncovered a disused train station on Soho’s Kingly Street: Cahoots Ticket Hall & Control Room. Until now, we have been on the hunt for a talented ‘owner’ to help get this place off to a spiffing start! After rummaging through thousands of applications, we’re excited to announce that the Scoundrels of Cahoots have chosen Miss Harriet Ball (otherwise known as Hattie Bee) as the rightful owner to take over our new bar. We look forward to welcoming Hattie to the team, and it goes without saying that she’s a Scoundrel through and through! Scroll down to find out more about this marvellously spiffing gal…

 The 21-year-old Lancashire student lives and breathes the 1940s, with everything from her wardrobe to her student house styled on the era. She also dedicates her spare time to performing popular wartime songs at local care homes to residents – many of which are veterans – in order to, in her own words, “keep the memories alive”. Harriet’s first order of duty will be to sample tip-top Tanqueray No. TEN tipples, to help us choose the venue’s signature cocktail, which she will then enjoy on the house forever, as well as a personal masterclass with one of the world’s leading cocktail connoisseurs, Jack Sotti.

Some of her other responsibilities and perks will include:

  • Being privy to behind-the-scenes food tastings and live entertainment auditions
  • Receiving a personally designed 1940s outfit to wear at her very own launch party with 50 pals, on the house
  • Taking home the entire opening week’s profits in cash
  • Her legacy as Owner will live on forever, as a permanent plaque engraved with her name will be erected in her honour at the end of her week in charge.


Tune into Cahoots’ Instagram channel here to follow Hattie’s journey with us as Head Scroundrel.